Sunday, February 28, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

China 03

It is the start of the Golden Tiger Year even if I drew a Metal Dragon... ^_^
Happy chinese new year all!

Friday, February 19, 2010

China 03

Guess who's coming for Diner?

Monday, February 15, 2010

China 02 - Lights

Avec un peu de retard, mais j'ai pris le temps sur celle-ci. Et beaucoup de plaisir. J'espère qu'il sera partagé ^_^

With a little delay but I took some time and a lot of fun. Hope you like it. Have a great day ^_^

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

China 01 - Muraille de Chine

China 01

Last month, with Matthieu we picked Africa as a theme for making images.
This month, we picked China.

I just started thinking about it and trying to come up with some images that would be interesting, and I'm realizing it is as difficult or more than Africa.
Having never been ...there and not speaking nor reading the language, I hope I'm not going to offend anyone with these images.

the more I look for references though, the more I love what I'm finding.
Now I really want to go and visit.

Anyhow.. have a great day!

Le theme de ce mois est La Chine.
Quand j'ai commence a faire mes recherches, je me suis apercu que cela allait etre un theme tout aussi difficile que L'Afrique.
N'y etant jamais aller, et ne parlant pas la langue, j'espere que je ne froisserais personne avec mes images.

Sur ce.. a la semaine prochaine!